Home > Events & Appearances > 2004 > Thalia signs copies of her magazine "Thalia" - K-Mart, New York City - April 3, 2004

Most viewed - Thalia signs copies of her magazine "Thalia" - K-Mart, New York City - April 3, 2004
2675 x 1899
Thalia signs copies of her magazine "Thalia" - K-Mart, New York City - April 3, 2004 52-0018.jpg 28 views
1676 x 2709
Thalia signs copies of her magazine "Thalia" - K-Mart, New York City - April 3, 2004 11a-0027.jpg 27 views
1468 x 2408
Thalia signs copies of her magazine "Thalia" - K-Mart, New York City - April 3, 2004 11a-0048.jpg 27 views
1960 x 3008
Thalia signs copies of her magazine "Thalia" - K-Mart, New York City - April 3, 2004 11a-0057.jpg 27 views
1772 x 2748
Thalia signs copies of her magazine "Thalia" - K-Mart, New York City - April 3, 2004 11a-0066.jpg 27 views
3000 x 2201
Thalia signs copies of her magazine "Thalia" - K-Mart, New York City - April 3, 2004 52-0010.jpg 27 views
3000 x 2004
Thalia signs copies of her magazine "Thalia" - K-Mart, New York City - April 3, 2004 71-0001.jpg 27 views
1978 x 3000
Thalia signs copies of her magazine "Thalia" - K-Mart, New York City - April 3, 2004 11a-0019.jpg 26 views
3000 x 2284
Thalia signs copies of her magazine "Thalia" - K-Mart, New York City - April 3, 2004 52-0030.jpg 26 views
1726 x 3000
Thalia signs copies of her magazine "Thalia" - K-Mart, New York City - April 3, 2004 11a-0047.jpg 25 views
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